


  1. 关于音乐梦想的英语演讲稿?
  2. 关于城市变化的英语演讲稿?
  3. 介绍游泳的英文演讲稿?


My future work since I first heard the sound of guitar, I h***e determined to be a musician. I love the sound of music and the peace that music brings to me. I want to be a musician every day.

I will occasionally go to my music studio to edit music. Singers will invite me to their concerts and play music for them. Every weekend, I will I will be busy with all the creations that singers ask me to do.


I will also teach music lessons, let young people learn music, and hope to be a musician like me. My life will be full of music. Isn't it very interesting.

I h***e a dream that i want to be a singer when i grow up.Do you know why?Here are my reasons.First of all,i am crazy about singing.I enjoy the beautiful rhythm which makes me realxed and comfortable.Then,i love performing.Every time i stand on the stage showing

my talent,i feel excited.So my ambition is being a singer in the future.And i hope my voice can bring all of you h***iness



About the change of the city

For a far fuller sense of what climate change might mean to a specific city, turn to the chapter on London in Mr Kohn's "Turned Out Nice", a tour DE force of information and speculation.


swimming is my f***erite sport, which can make our whole body exercise. I learned it from my dad when i was about 15. at that time, we usually went swimming in the river instead of the pool.



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